Jeg Gik Mig Ud En Sommerdag
This song has always been a favourite of mine from the old Danish song books. It is about the connection with nature and how the birdsong touches the heart.
I am the Mother
The story of this song began in a plant medicine ceremony all the way back in 2004. I was experiencing a profound sense of oneness with all living beings, the planet and the cosmos. The words, “from the lion on the savannah, to the fish in the sea, to the birds in the sky - they are all part of Me”, kept repeating over and over and over in my head and resonating through my body. So I found a notebook and wrote them down.
A few months later I was in Australia where the words became the chorus of this song that I co-wrote with my friend Amir Paiss. The demo of the song ended up on a usb stick in a drawer for about 15 years before I felt ready to sing it. Then came the process of recording it. My childhood friend Morten Woods gave me his beautiful guitar playing. We sent that on to my friend Martin Brunsden over in Ireland who recorded his gorgeous double bass. And finally, everything was sent over to Martyn Phillips in England who played everything else and mixed the track.
The next part of the adventure was to create the video. And what a fun adventure with the talented Jonatan of Joeight Creations in some magical parts of Sweden. Even if it was quite something for me to overcome my fear of deep and dark forest lakes… I don’t recommend swimming wearing long dresses! But we did get some cool shots.
I hope you enjoy watching and listening as much as I have enjoyed the long process of creating this.
Dejlig er Jorden
My favourite song to sing at Christmas, even if it is not as such specifically a Christmas song. It was quite a spontaneous project to record this and the whole production of the song and the video was done within about a week. I sent Rishi a voice recording with me playing drums on my dining table and singing along, and he created the groove and backline from that. A couple of days later we recorded the vocals - and another few days after we spent a couple of hours in the rush hour traffic of Copenhagen shooting the video. Just a very spontaneous offering during the holiday season.