Voice Ritual
Our voice is a powerful channel for self expression and empowerment.
In the Voice Ritual setting Sudha facilitates an exploration of our authentic voice and how we can use the power of that sound to experience more empowerment, healing, inner peace and joy. With vocal exercises and meditation Sudha guides the group into a deep sense of stillness. It is from this place of Silence our hearts can express what is alive there in this moment through our song.
This is an incredibly liberating practice for the voice, which is a place where a lot of us hold blockages and ideas about limitations. We simply sing ourselves free. No experience with singing is required, just curiosity and openness to discover what gifts our voice has for us. When singing or toning together in a group we develop and strengthen our ability for empathy, which is essential in harmonious and productive communication.
Our heartbeats are literally synchronised when singing together. Within the setting of the group dynamic, each of us can take personal leadership of our own source of creativity, which is our most valuable contribution to our surroundings. When we are in touch with, and give space to, our inner voice, the source of creativity is inexhaustible - an invaluable resource in our everyday life.
The science bit: The Vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the body. It originates in the brain and travels all the way down to the lower internal organs. It is a fundamental regulator of the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls all the involuntary processes such as digestion, heartbeat, respiration, etc. and is responsible for restoring relaxation after a response to stress or danger (the sympathetic nervous system’s activation). Auditory stimulation of the vagus nerve with long and sustained sounds tend to be soothing and relaxing (parasympathetic response), helping the body to come back to the nourishing state that is the opposite of the “fight or flight” mode triggered by stress.
Basically; a happy Vagus nerve makes a happy body and soul - and Vagus nerve becomes happy by being stimulated by us singing to it.